20 años trabajando por la Medicina Personalizada de Precisión
- Opening
- Keynote Speech: Moving Genomics to the Clinic: Opportunities and Challenges
- Session 1:Scientific and Technologic Advances in Biomedicine
- Genomes, epigenomes and future perspectives in Personalized Medicine
- Bioinformatics and Big Data in the era of Personalized Medicine
- Discussion
- Session 2:Innovation, research and Public Health policies in Personalized Medicine
- European policies in Personalized Medicine
- Pharma access to external innovation: the example of Roche
- Breaking down walls in biomedical research and the challenge of patents in Spain: a success story
- Spanish strategy for research on Personalized Medicine: collaborations between academic institutions and the private sector
- Discussion
- Antonio L. Andreu's questions
- Session 3 Organizada por la AEGH (Asociación Española de Genética Humana)Biotechnology & human genome sequencing: socio-economic & health impact
- Genomic medicine: Opportunities and challenges to the bioeconomy
- Adoption of Next Generation Sequencing on the National Health System: impact and experience of an early adopter.
- Implementation of genomic medicine in Spain: lights, shadows and future
- Spanish Human Proteome Project of Chromosome 16: Rheumatologic Application